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  1. You could not prompt, where on Saturday can render the surgical help... (1 ответов)
  2. My husband has strongly burnt a back about the heated iron. The brachium and predpl is damaged or injured... (1 ответов)
  3. Hello, I on a neck dnj 5 had a hypodermic globule from peas back... (3 ответов)
  4. At me at the basis of greater or big fingers of legs or foots greater or big shishki sideways years 10. (Me... (3 ответов)
  5. 3 months ago, umenja have appeared regular bloody allocation. Whether is... (1 ответов)
  6. Hello! I do not know, whether to you I should address, but can be will help or assist... (1 ответов)
  7. The dear doctor! I ask you to recommend the authoritative skilled or experienced surgeon... (1 ответов)
  8. The dear doctor, nedavnoe for the first time was engaged in proctal or anal sex. Was not... (1 ответов)
  9. Misters, Whether you will prompt, in this connection after operation on excision... (2 ответов)
  10. The doctor when I descend or go in a toilet at me there are globules (gemorodialnye sites... (1 ответов)
  11. Hello, the doctor. In 56 have found out an arthrosis of a malleolus, With job on a summer residence (on... (1 ответов)
  12. What do you think in occasion of procedure gidrokolonoterapii? Whether this is harmful about... (1 ответов)
  13. Not for a long time at me the blood after ch I descend or go in a toilet began to go. Not forces... (1 ответов)
  14. Dear doctor Kasapov, some days does not pass or take place a pain (not strong)... (3 ответов)
  15. Dear Igor Valerevich! Coming back to a traditional variant of dialogue:... (1 ответов)
  16. It is necessary to adhere to what diet, if proctal or anal cracks and a dense chair? Has rescueed or saved... (1 ответов)
  17. The doctor will not prompt, whether it is necessary to delete hypodermic zhiroviki, on similarity opuho... (3 ответов)
  18. Hello the doctor! At me after a defecation, after pomojus pojavili... (1 ответов)
  19. Dear doctor! Tell or say please, as correctly (and whether in general it is necessary) having shaved... (2 ответов)
  20. Hello, the doctor! Whether I can be engaged in physical culture (exercises on pre... (1 ответов)
  21. The dear doctor! I yesterday wrote to you in occasion of " was at me NJAK or not "... (1 ответов)
  22. Help or Assist!!! I have now torn a bridle during the certificate or act (know what)... (1 ответов)
  23. The help of the proctologist is urgently necessary. Finding to Samara or Orenburg... (1 ответов)
  24. Zdrastvujte! My son has freezed, ears what to do or make?... (1 ответов)
  25. The dear doctor, very much I ask your advice or council. During pregnancy I of feelings... (1 ответов)
  26. The dear doctor! I already addressed to you with vrprosom about a colonoscopy. Bolsh... (1 ответов)
  27. Thanks Igor Valerevich! I vrjadli can arrive as I live in Ukraine.. (3 ответов)
  28. Hello the doctor! Very much I require your advice or council - help or assist please! ... (1 ответов)
  29. After passage of inspection of an intestine, me the doctor, that strong izme has told or said... (1 ответов)
  30. At me on a foot of a leg or foot of type of a callositas, but she very much hurts at walking and not tolk... (1 ответов)
  31. The doctor, I read that at treatment gemmoroja apparatus " " well helps or assists.... (1 ответов)
  32. Tell or Say, please, than it is possible to treat gemmoroj? I was helped or assisted by ointment, has brought... (1 ответов)
  33. Hello! About two months ago after a defecation began to drip a little kape... (1 ответов)
  34. The dear doctor! Help or assist me, please, advice or council what to undertake in dann... (1 ответов)
  35. In what medical ucherezhdenii, the center or institute you recommend operi... (1 ответов)
  36. Hello! Umenja to you two questions. 1. After a sort at me has appeared zapo... (1 ответов)
  37. Prompt, please, to the boy of 12 years and he till now was not, unfortunately... (1 ответов)
  38. To me 41 year. At me frequent constipations, an abdominal distention within 10 years. With... (1 ответов)
  39. Hello! At me to you a question such. After oporozhnenija at me in and... (1 ответов)
  40. Respond please. The small child is in hospital in unit tor... (1 ответов)
  41. Tell or Say please that such a sphincteritis? To me THIS DIAGNOSIS was put by the SURGEON 1... (1 ответов)
  42. Whether can give a colitis temperature up to 39 degrees? ESR 40, and all otalnye... (1 ответов)
  43. In current of two weeks I have pains in the leg or foot in district of a heel, painfully to come n... (1 ответов)
  44. Hello, If can, help or assist. At me such problem. I live in Eston... (1 ответов)
  45. To my sister sdedali one week ago operation on excision of a cystoma and an ovary with... (1 ответов)
  46. How more quickly to get rid of ecchymoses and bruises of the face? What agents polzov... (1 ответов)
  47. To me have removed the right share of a thyroid gland. Whether the truth, that in due course boards... (3 ответов)
  48. The dear doctor! To me of 46 years. Several days ago I have noticed, that umenja with... (1 ответов)
  49. The dear Doctor! The proctologist has diagnosed jazvenyj a proctitis. Has appointed or nominated leche... (1 ответов)
  50. At me vospolilas between proctal or anal and vaginalnym otvertstijami the vein, has bulked up... (1 ответов)