Просмотр полной версии : Ear, nose, throat, ENT
- The doctor, prompt please. At mneja always there was a weak nose, sometimes he dava...
- At me a right-hand genyantritis, from December, 29th till January, 8th to me have made punktsi...
- Hello the doctor! To my husband of 36 years, since the childhood at it or him a genyantritis, but in with...
- Hello the doctor!!!
At me such problem: hurted or was ill;was sick (there was a rhinitis, hurted or was ill;was sick...
- At me a cyst in gajmorovoj to a sinus. Whether necessarily it or her to delete?...
- Hello! After a flu 3 years ago the throat has continued to hurt or be ill;be sick with left hundred...
- At the husband the ear iz-for conditioners and fans, we constantly inflames...
- One year ago I have noticed, that not always I hear smells, and already now I notice, cht...
- One week ago the throat began to hurt or be ill;be sick, rinsed or gargled soda. Now the throat does not hurt, but...
- The doctor, prompt please... Hurted or Was ill;Was sick some times a genyantritis. SIGNS...
- The dear doctor!!! Prompt - how to treat a genyantritis?...
- To the son 2 years. After colds the nose smells unpleasantly. We drip Tizin, but did not want...
- Hello, 2 was ill with a sinusitis and now postojano (and in the winter and l back...
- At the child an original structure take in, acoustical passage leaves upwards and zakruch...
- I heard that there is a medicine from hrapa which is called " Snore-no-more "...
- The dear doctor!
At my daughter as soon as she longly to be in the street...
- The dear doctor! The second week I have pains in a throat. And in itself are observed...
- Zdrastvujte! I am am disturbed with a constant
zalozhennost a nose. Vydeleny pz a nose...
- At me frequent nasal bleedings. Has ENT told or said, that the source is gde-...
- Urgently help or assist advice or council. One ear at night has ached. Pus is not present, a pain nojushchaja...
- The dear doctor, help or assist please to my problem. At me all time that t...
- Whether tell or say, please, the chlamydia can cause or call an adenoid disease, a rhinitis...
- The dear doctor, problem in the following:
I have had been ill with a flu or cold...
- Hello, the doctor!
To me recently begins difficult to breathe. As...
- The doctor, poskazhite please where in SPb it is possible to pass or take place qualified osmo...
- The dear doctor!
I do not know, whether to the address of I address, If net-excuse...
- Good evening! One week ago has caught a cold. A rhinitis till now not proshol, and already dv...
- The dear doctor!
Advise, please, where to address - it is necessary for me reb...
- At my child, to him 6 years, have found out adenoides of 2 degrees and have appointed or nominated kolla...
- Hello, prompt!! To the child 3. 5 tussis of one and a half month not proho...
- Zdravstvuite doktor! Pomogite pojalusta tak kak nahojus za predelami Rossii...
- Hello, help or assist to understand my situation please. In 18 19 years...
- To my daughter of 10 days, after an extract from a maternity home I have found out in it or her sopli, and on...
- Hello. Excuse, that I tear off you, the doctor, from job, but not podskazhit...
- Advise please where it is possible to address for treatment
(Moscow, Peter...
- The dear doctor
At my son (1 4) temperature three days 38.5 ned...
- Hello the doctor!
To the child 3, 5 years. Iz-for uvelichenyh tonsils he not m...
- skazite pozalusta chtodelat chto ne xrapit...
- The hackneyed problem - a smell from a mouth. I am excruciated since the childhood. Job is connected with obshchen...
- Hello!
At me something has happened with the left ear. As though water has got...
- Tell or Say please as independently on external nose to define or determine iskrivl...
- Suddenly in the right ear something was distributed type of a sound "py" and has appeared oshchushcheni...
- And with what togla the sensation komka in a throat is connected?...
- Hello, the doctor. At me the big allocation of sulfur from ears. It or her, basically...
- Couple of years back at me in fight the nose has been broken.
To me at once have made kakujuto...
- Good afternoon! At me couple of days in district of the left nostril deeply under a skin nashchu...
- At the girl 1.5 years about one month an otitis. Have spent on drink or saw through
2 courses of antibiotics, to...
- The dear doctor, in November of the last year at me was gajmorid. To me did or made pr...
- Three years ago has felt sensation alien or foreign
Bodies in a throat, from the right an eye...
- Help or Assist to solve a problem - constantly I catch a cold or I chill iz-for a trifle (ice-cream...
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