
Просмотр полной версии : Cardiologist

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  1. Zdrastvujte, I on 7 m month of pregnancy, iz-for strong and sharp dvizheni... (1 ответов)
  2. Hello the doctor! At my father (age 64.) the diagnosis - an ischemic heart disease. Whether is... (1 ответов)
  3. To mum of 56 years. Gipoterioz. The atherosclerosis + was an infarct. Hypertonia. Highly... (1 ответов)
  4. Hello the dear doctor! To me 21, body height 185, weight 106. Floor of year back... (4 ответов)
  5. The dear Doctor! What is the myocardial dystrophy and ways of its or her treatment. Has rescueed or saved... (2 ответов)
  6. Shortage of air and tussis (1 ответов)
  7. doctor shto takoe aritmia?... (1 ответов)
  8. Uv. The doctor! You could not explain, that such a stenocardia, and as with her bo... (1 ответов)
  9. My friend - had a microinsult. - but he does not speak the assumption, utv... (3 ответов)
  10. Zdrastvujte! Help or Assist to understand. As I shall be ill, than nibud catarrhal, sr... (1 ответов)
  11. At my mother already it is a lot of years a chronic bronchitis + an ischemic heart disease + a hypertonia. Recently... (1 ответов)
  12. To mum (63.) have put diagnoz-predinfarktnoe a status... What medicines... (1 ответов)
  13. Small addition to a question on mum 74 years (heart failure)... (1 ответов)
  14. My daughter of 10 years. Now she is on treatment in a hospital in occasion of... (1 ответов)
  15. Dear Simon! Many thanks for your consultation in occasion of an arrhythmia. Sk... (1 ответов)
  16. Hello. Help or assist, please. The man, 56 years, has woken up from rez at night... (1 ответов)
  17. Whether tell or say, please, there is such diagnosis "polipokardija" and what is it such?... (1 ответов)
  18. At reception "Sialisa" pressure rises 120/70 up to 170/110. Can prini... (1 ответов)
  19. Dear Doctor Gusman! Whether Is in western medpraktike such concept as "... (2 ответов)
  20. Hello! I recently had sharp pains in the field of sulfurs... (1 ответов)
  21. Dear doctors, respond please to my question on value or meaning;importance of reductions... (1 ответов)
  22. ATTENTION! Dear patients! 1. How old are you? 2. City of residing 3. ZHa... (3 ответов)
  23. I from any stresses (at job or houses) have a feeling of pavor, a cat... (1 ответов)
  24. Hello! At me two weeks following signs. Pulse of 89 impacts... (2 ответов)
  25. Hello! To me 22 years, one month ago at me without the special reasons have begun ka... (2 ответов)
  26. Began to forget I drink krep tea much adjust a brain a myocardium it is found out I do or make in the afternoon... (2 ответов)
  27. Whether tell or say, please, shift work, in chastnost is injurious to my health... (1 ответов)
  28. Hello! Prompt what to do or make, please, if a small difference me... (1 ответов)
  29. Good afternoon! I work grumerom 3 years (I shear dogs). In the last pol-year... (1 ответов)
  30. Hello, the Doctor! I ask to answer my question. Last 2 3 years I n... (1 ответов)
  31. Kind time of day. Umenja have diagnosed miakordit, paroksizmalnaja sinu... (1 ответов)
  32. Hello! Tell or Say please at my mum the arrhythmia has begun. That business or affairs... (1 ответов)
  33. At my mum (75 years) the HYPERTONIA and is a lot of years she Accepted Clophelinum. Prinim... (1 ответов)
  34. Hello. To me 21 year. I am am disturbed with heart (shortage of respiration, a cold fit, be... (6 ответов)
  35. Job on deterioration or early mors. (6 ответов)
  36. The analysis of daily urine on products of degradation of catecholamins, as in a map anal... (1 ответов)
  37. Good afternoon, dear Simon Tejmurazovich! Many thanks for yours otk... (1 ответов)
  38. To me 24 years, body height 192, weight of 130 kg. Some months pursue passing... (1 ответов)
  39. I so understand, Alexander Arkadevich, you do not agree with my cardiologist? Time... (3 ответов)
  40. Hello the doctor. Very much I ask to help or assist. I have drunk four tablets of Furosemidum... (2 ответов)
  41. The dear doctor, Last time often " joints " - coxofemoral crackle... (1 ответов)
  42. The dear doctor! Than the membrane (congenital defect), which nahodits is dangerous... (1 ответов)
  43. Hello the Dear Doctor to me 53 years. About six years ago had about... (1 ответов)
  44. Hello! My mother 1939 r. Have diagnosed " Arterial giper... (8 ответов)
  45. Tell or Say please, at rising pressure up to 150 100 with pulse 90 posoveto... (4 ответов)
  46. Hello! To me have diagnosed Syndrome Marfana. What is it such? Seryo... (2 ответов)
  47. The DOCTOR! Explain please! To Mum 82, at it or her a constant ciliary or vibrating arit... (1 ответов)
  48. The man (55) began to complain of night disturbance of a rhythm. Pressure a normal... (1 ответов)
  49. doktor, skazhite, iz vashei praktiki vi mogli bi skazat shto u nervnih i ne... (1 ответов)
  50. Hello! I have been experiencing palpitaions on and off for about a year no... (1 ответов)